Smriti Mandhana smashed the fastest ODI hundred by an Indian female cricketer as the Indian women recorded their first-ever 400-plus total in the 50-over format on Wednesday in Rajkot. Riding on Mandhana’s 135 and Pratika Rawal’s 154, India women posted 435/5 against Ireland women in the third and final ODI. Interestingly, this was India’s highest-ever total in history – men’s or women’s. The previous record was held by Indian men who posted 418/5 against West Indies in Indore in 2011.
Smriti Mandhana, India women vs Ireland women, Smriti Mandhana fastest ODI hundred, fastest hundred in women's ODIs, Smriti Mandhana hundred
#INDW #IREW #Smriti #Mandhana #smashes #fastest #ODI #Indian #woman #India #record #400plus #total