Why Did Jaipur Man Destroy Village Temple Idol?
Meena told the police he is not very religious, and his wife’s constant fasts and devotion caused fights and created distance between the couple, as per the report. He also expressed frustration that he could not be intimate with his wife due to her religious rituals and destroyed the idol due to frustration, it said.
The Kalu Baba temple is a revered site visited by large crowds on Fridays and devotees saw Meena and Lal enter the temple on the night of February 8 and destroy the idol, the report said.
Ayodhya Ram Temple chief priest Acharya Satyendra Das Passes Away
Acharya Satyendra Das, the chief priest of the Ram Janmabhoomi Temple in Ayodhya, passed away at Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (SGPGIMS) in Lucknow, as per a press statement issued by the institute.
The hospital in a statement said, “Satyendra Das ji, chief Priest of Ram Mandir Ayodhya, breathed his last today. He was admitted to HDU (High Dependency Unit) of the Neurology ward on February 3 with a stroke in critical condition.”
He passed away at the age of 83 after battling health issues over the past few days. Following a brain stroke on February 2, the chief priest was admitted to the HDU of the Neurology ward on February 3 in critical condition.
news, India, temple, old idol, ancient idol destroyed, Jaipur temple, arrested
#Jaipur #man #arrested #vandalising #ancient #idol #wifes #religious #fasts