The DMK youth wing also accused Ashwini Vaishnaw of ‘blatantly lying’ about the Madurai-Thoothukudi railway line. It said, “Why is he saying it when the CM write a letter asking for a project and when in fact it is the Railways that has rejected the request stating frivolous reasons.” It also shared a letter that purportedly showed that the state government had asked for funds for the railway line.
The IT wing of DMK said, “Honourable Railway Minister is either lying or is being lied to…We need funds, not lies.” Also Read | Tamil Nadu BJP’s Annamalai mounts bid to oust Stalin-led DMK govt: ‘Will forego shoes, whip myself, fast for 48 days’
What did Ashwini Vaishnaw say?
Speaking with reporters during his Chennai visit, Ashwini Vaishnaw said the Madurai-Thoothukudi railway line project had been shelved as the Tamil Nadu government had asked it to be dropped, saying they did not want it. He further urged the state government to put people welfare above politics.
“We need the state government’s support in land acquisition. We must make sure that people’s facilities are above politics and we must look at the welfare of the people first,” Ashwini Vaishnaw said.
Madurai-Thoothukudi railway line, Ashwini Vaishnaw on tamil nadu rail like, Ashwini Vaishnaw DMK news, Madurai-Thoothukudi railway line project, what happened to Madurai-Thoothukudi railway line
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